The Balikpapan residence
Monday, 5 November 2007Balikpapan, Indonesia
On 27 October Rune flew from Taipei to Jakarta, where he stayed in a suburb of Jakarta (Cibubur) until Thursday 1 November, thereafter catching a flight to Balikpapan with Adam Air, the airline which lost a plane last winter and nobody survived (even the plane was not found).
Here are some pictures from inside and outside of the Balikpapan residence:
- Kitchen. The girl is Made from Bali.
- Dining room.
- Living room.
- 1200 liter water tank. Most houses have a water tank installed to be used during the frequent water shortages.
- 220V 16A generator. Most houses have a generator because of the frequent blackouts.
- Astrid and Caecil playing in front of the house.
Tuesday, 6 November 2007 at 20:49
Remember the grammar, I believe it has to be updated !
Not “most houses has” but “most houses have”.
It is a serious mistake !
Never do it again.
Friday, 23 May 2008 at 18:47
Entall og flertell blir ikke sååå viktig, når jeg hører Ellen fortelle alt du har gjort! Hils til Uno, og si at han får se litt stort på det:)).
Ellers spennende å lese om dine/deres bevegelser.
God sommer fra Anne, Ingeborg og Agnes.