Cancelled flight

Monday, 21 April 2008
Manila, Philippines

Today I picked up my new 60 days visa in the Indonesian embassy in Manila, which I applied for last Wednesday!

Now sitting in the airport in Manila waiting for a flight to Taipei.

I canceled the flight to Jakarta on 24 April, in view of what happened there, and instead will fly to Singapore, then take the ferry to Batam. Guess it will be safer. I do not want to meet the immigration people at CGK.

5 responses

  1. Uno comments:

    Jeg synes det er noe underlig at du prøvde å fikle med passet ditt for å spare noen sider. Det er jo helt utilgivelig. En god regel er aldri å manipulere med passet. Men det har du vel lært nå.
    Det blir jo spennende å se hvordan immigrasjonen på Batam fungerer.

  2. Andy comments:

    Count yourself lucky white boy! If I were that Indonesian immigration officer who checked your passport and I found out that you did illegal things with it on your own initiative (you took out some sticker visa to “save pages”), I would most certainly have blacklisted you and I wouldn’t hesitate to let you stay in a 5-star Jakarta prison for at least a week or two!!
    What you did is simply and absolutely ILLEGAL!!

  3. Rune comments:

    So what?? Never did any wrong things in your life?? Why the fuck do you care anyway?

  4. Andy comments:

    Ever heard of passport mutilation and manipulation? It’s a very serious and grave offence, considering passport is an official document owned by a country’s government, not by you! The government only “lends” it to you, you don’t actually own it!
    What you did is 110% illegal!
    You are manipulating and mutilating government documents!
    Just count yourself lucky this time! If you were to meet me at your next passport check and I see your mutilated and manipulated passport with illegal removal of Indonesian visas, I swear I will not only blacklist you but I will put your ass behind bars for at least several months in a Jakarta prison so you can enjoy Indonesian hospitality better!

  5. Rune comments:

    I think I was quite creative and I don’t strive after being a 100% legal citizen. I break the rules as I see fit, calculating risk against benefit. Try to arrest me, haha.

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