TE 2009 – Day 2 (Aug 13)
Friday, 4 September 2009Balikpapan, Indonesia
We arrived early in the morning (on-time) at Frankfurt airport from Jakarta/Singapore. In the passport control, Saras (did she look suspicious?) was asked where she was going and what she was doing here, and had to show her Paris hotel booking (which was cancelled beforehand and only used as a means to obtain the Schengen visa) and credit card.
We then catched the next LH flight to Paris CDG, and a €63 taxi to Orly airport (a taxi for 4 was cheaper than the bus).
We had a couple of hours to kill before flying with Sky Europe to Vienna, Austria. We had booked the cheap €24 flight in advance.
Taxi (€34) from Vienna airport to Meininger hostel, a bit outside the city centre. We arrived at the hostel at 17:30, 36 hours after leaving the Balikpapan residence 11:30 the day before.
Quite impressive room for a hostel, nice, clean, spacious, with TV and bathroom. Looks more like a hotel to me. €21 per person.
We were quite tired after 36 hours of travelling, and after eating at a nearby restaurant (Wienerwald), we called it a night.

Waiting at Orly airport, Paris. Astrid, Caecil, and Saras.
Monday, 7 September 2009 at 13:11
did she look suspicious? –> No, I look fat at that photo =)…
say hi sama tante ya