Lucy the dentist
Wednesday, 13 October 2010Jakarta, Indonesia
Recently I went to dentist Lucy to replace my old tooth crown, since it was starting to show signs of leakage, according to Lucy. Lucy is an old high school friend of Caecil.
I had the old crown removed on 18 September, and was using a temporary crown for two weeks before getting the permanent one in place.
I got the old crown in Trondheim, Norway, in 1997, after the tooth in question was smashed the year before. Interestingly enough, the glue which was used to keep the old crown in place was of the wrong type, according to Lucy. Worst case scenario, it could have caused leakage and decay much sooner.
The total cost for the crown replacement was Rp 2.650.000 (USD 300), paid by Caecil’s employer in full. I think the new crown is even better than the old one, and with the correct glue this time. Good job, Lucy!
On the right side is the old X-ray picture taken just after the accident.