2011 Archive


Thursday, 30 June 2011
Bukit Permai, Cibubur, Jakarta

I just went to Kantor Lurah (the village office) to get the SKTT, after handing over a carbon copy of the SKSKPS, together with a cover letter from RT/RW. Fee: Rp 5000. SKTT = Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal = Certificate of residence.

Purchased a Kindle

Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Mall Ambassador, Jakarta

Last Saturday I became the owner of an Amazon Kindle, which I purchased from a private seller at www.kaskus.us for Rp 1,650,000, brand new in the box. I agreed to meet him at Mall Taman Anggrek for the transaction. The screen on the Kindle is impressive, it looks like real ink on paper. My new […]


Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Mall Ambassador, Jakarta

I have just picked up the SKSKPS and KIP at Catatan Sipil. SKSKPS = Surat Keterangan Susunan Keluarga Penduduk Sementara Orang Asing = Temporary certificate of family registration for foreigner. KIP = Kartu Identitas Pendatang Warga Negara Asing = Temporary residence card for foreigner.

Installed WWAN card

Monday, 27 June 2011
7-Eleven, Jl Wahid Hasyim, Jakarta

I just got rid of my old 3G modem USB dongle, which I bought in September 2007. Now I have an internal modem instead, an Ericsson F3507G WWAN card, which also includes a GPS module. I bought it used for Rp 200k. It was kind of tricky to have the machine to recognize it, because […]

Window cleaners

Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Pasar Festival, Jakarta

These window cleaners suddenly appeared outside my apartment today. They were on their way down from 33rd floor. I live in 15th floor. I grabbed my camera and made these shots. Moreover, I paid the water and electricity today. From the receipt, I can see that the water usage in the month of May was […]