2011 Archive

Train to Yogya, PH and Indomie

Thursday, 10 March 2011
Mercury, Yogya

CME and I took the 08:45 Taksaka train to Yogyakarta on Tuesday (8 March). There were 220V sockets for each seat in the train. Nice. Ticket = Rp 220,000. On arrival in Yogya, we went to eat at Pizza Hut (PH) before checking in at Mercury Guest House in the Prawirotaman area. Room = Rp […]

Not much

Thursday, 10 March 2011
Mercury, Yogya

Not much happened on Monday, 7 March. Just staying in the apartment, a trip to the mall across the street, and a trip to the swimming pool.

A lake and a mall

Monday, 7 March 2011
Epicentrum Walk, Jakarta

A short walk down to the nearest lake, a quick trip to the nearest mall, and then a long trip to another mall which lasted for hours. And finally we returned to the Taman Rasuna apartment in the evening. That was yesterday. Jakarta I. Lake in Cibubur. Jakarta II. “Grand Indonesia”.

Rafting in Citarik

Monday, 7 March 2011
Epicentrum Walk, Jakarta

Saturday 5 March was devoted to a rafting trip in Citarik river, West Java. The undersigned, CME, Cil, and 5 other souls shared the cost of 2 rafting boats from a company called “Arus Liar”, which means “Wild Stream”. Unfortunately, the water level in Citarik was too low (only 50 cm) to be feasible for […]

Looking for pants

Monday, 7 March 2011
Taman Rasuna, Jakarta

Not much happened on Friday, 4 March. We (CME and I) ate a waffle with blueberry icecream for breakfast at Brusselspring, Epicentrum Walk, and then CME was searching for a pair of pants to buy, which he finally found at Planet Sports at Plaza Senayan. Oh well…