2011 Archive

Dunia Fantasi

Friday, 4 March 2011
Taman Rasuna, Jakarta

Yesterday, CME and I went to “Dunia Fantasi”, the amusement park in Ancol. Entry fee was a stiff Rp 135,000. Most of the time was spent standing in queue, unfortunately, so we only managed to try out 4 of the attractions: The radio cars, the small roller coaster, space shot, and the big roller coaster. […]

Ellen is leaving

Friday, 4 March 2011
Taman Rasuna, Jakarta

Ellen was celebrating her birthday yesterday, on 2 March, Wednesday, here in the apartment in Taman Rasuna. Right after the celebrating event, Ellen migrated back to ice cold Europe by means of a KLM flight, which was scheduled to depart Jakarta at 19:25. CME and I went up to the rooftop later to watch the […]

A waffle

Thursday, 3 March 2011
Taman Rasuna, Jakarta

Two things can be said about Tuesday, 1 March: The first being Harco Glodok electronics market, where I and the anonymous CME spent the afternoon hours. The second being the waffle pictured below, which I consumed at a Belgian restaurant at Epicentrum Walk, together with Ellen, Caecil, and CME. Harco Glodok electronics market. Belgian waffle […]

Sending a package

Thursday, 3 March 2011
Taman Rasuna, Jakarta

On Monday, 28 February, the anonymous CME sent a package with confidential content to Australia from the central post office after a failed attempt at Guntur post office, which is nearby Taman Rasuna. The package weighed 2.25 kg and was sent with airmail at a rate of Rp 335,000. Not cheap. Package to Australia.

CME is arriving

Thursday, 3 March 2011
Taman Rasuna, Jakarta

The anonymous CME arrived in Kuala Lumpur from ice cold Europe last Friday 25 February. He missed the scheduled flight from Paris and was one day late when I welcomed him on the same evening on Batam island outside Singapore. A couple of hours earlier I had flown from Jakarta to Batam on Lion Air […]