Pictures from Colombia

Friday, 21 March 2014
Pela Mampang, Jakarta

After escaping all the Colombian cocaine dealers, I’m now safe and sound again in Jakarta! I arrived here yesterday after more than 40 hours after I left Bogota.

Here is the link to all the pictures taken on the trip to Colombia:

Posted in Colombia on Friday, 21 March 2014 at 13:20
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3 responses

  1. Jørn comments:

    Artig å se bilder fra Colombia – fristende reisemål!

  2. Rune comments:

    Jada, noe for enhver smak der!

  3. Uno comments:

    Jofa, meget bra bilder, men jeg foreslår du rydder bort dublettene og skriver litt tekst slik at man kan vite hvor bildene er tatt, hvilken by etc- men for øvrig virker jo landet som velordnet og et interessant reisemål.

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