Posts about Indonesia

Installed WWAN card

Monday, 27 June 2011
7-Eleven, Jl Wahid Hasyim, Jakarta

I just got rid of my old 3G modem USB dongle, which I bought in September 2007. Now I have an internal modem instead, an Ericsson F3507G WWAN card, which also includes a GPS module. I bought it used for Rp 200k. It was kind of tricky to have the machine to recognize it, because […]

Window cleaners

Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Pasar Festival, Jakarta

These window cleaners suddenly appeared outside my apartment today. They were on their way down from 33rd floor. I live in 15th floor. I grabbed my camera and made these shots. Moreover, I paid the water and electricity today. From the receipt, I can see that the water usage in the month of May was […]


Monday, 20 June 2011
Grand Indonesia, Jakarta

Today I went to two offices: Catatan Sipil (the civil registration office) and Polda Metro (the police), to renew my SKSKP/KIP and SKLD/STM respectively. Papers submitted at Catatan Sipil: Sponsor letter (with stamp duty). Two photos on red background, 2×3 cm. Old KIP card. Copy of sponsor’s KTP. Copy of KITAS card. Copy of relevant […]


Thursday, 16 June 2011
Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta

Went to KanIm this morning, picked up my new KITAS card and my passport with the new ITAS stamp in it. Valid until 27 July 2012. And then I brought my file to the POA office next door to have my POA book stamped as well. Photo copies was needed as usual. The last thing […]


Monday, 13 June 2011
Epicentrum Walk, Jakarta

I started the sunny day by picking up a letter from KanWil (granting me another year of residence) and bringing it to KanIm. KanIm needed a photocopy as well. Then came the time to pay the fee, Rp 755k in total (55k is for the photo). Done with that, they took my photo, and I […]