Posts about Indonesia

Bus from Pangandaran to Bandung

Saturday, 19 March 2011
Taman Rasuna, Jakarta

Tuesday, 15 March. We concluded that Pangandaran was not worth more than two nights, and jumped on a bus bound for Bandung on Tuesday morning. The trip took 6 hours. We observed an utterly crazy person at the bus terminal in Pangandaran. In Bandung we checked into Hotel Patradissa near the railway station, where we […]

Signs in Pangandaran

Saturday, 19 March 2011
Taman Rasuna, Jakarta

Monday, 14 March. A day spent walking along the beach, in the forest, and the dusty streets of Pangandaran. Pangandaran is a rather dusty and quiet place, with lots of trash on the beach. Not very interesting. It is the anonymous CME’s birthday. Sign I. Sign II.

Bus from Yogya to Pangandaran

Friday, 18 March 2011
Taman Rasuna, Jakarta

Sunday, 13 March. A day spent on 4 different buses on the way from Yogya to Pangandaran. Bus #1. A big, nice, spacious, aircon bus from Yogya bus terminal to Cilacap. 4:40 hours. Rp 40,000. Bus #2. A small, not-so-nice, cramped, non-aircon bus from Cilacap to Sidareja. Bad road. 1:40 hours. Rp 12,000. Bus #3. […]

Museum Biologi

Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Argo Parahyangan (train from Bandung to Gambir)

Saturday, 12 March. Museum Biologi was closed when we went there in the afternoon (by becak). We visited this museum 11 years ago, and found the dusty atmosphere with species on formaldehyde quite interesting. Disappointed we returned to the guest house. In the night we went to Cafe Republic, a place with live music. Museum […]

A big snake

Friday, 11 March 2011
Mercury, Yogya

After two failed attempts at Bank Niaga and Bank BII, CME finally succeeded in withdrawing cash on his defect ATM card at Bank BCA in jl Sudirman today. BCA accepted a cash advance over the counter and was scanning the chip on the card instead of the defect magnetic strip. BCA’s cash advance fee was […]