Posts about Indonesia

Rafting in Citarik

Monday, 7 March 2011
Epicentrum Walk, Jakarta

Saturday 5 March was devoted to a rafting trip in Citarik river, West Java. The undersigned, CME, Cil, and 5 other souls shared the cost of 2 rafting boats from a company called “Arus Liar”, which means “Wild Stream”. Unfortunately, the water level in Citarik was too low (only 50 cm) to be feasible for […]

Looking for pants

Monday, 7 March 2011
Taman Rasuna, Jakarta

Not much happened on Friday, 4 March. We (CME and I) ate a waffle with blueberry icecream for breakfast at Brusselspring, Epicentrum Walk, and then CME was searching for a pair of pants to buy, which he finally found at Planet Sports at Plaza Senayan. Oh well…

Dunia Fantasi

Friday, 4 March 2011
Taman Rasuna, Jakarta

Yesterday, CME and I went to “Dunia Fantasi”, the amusement park in Ancol. Entry fee was a stiff Rp 135,000. Most of the time was spent standing in queue, unfortunately, so we only managed to try out 4 of the attractions: The radio cars, the small roller coaster, space shot, and the big roller coaster. […]

Ellen is leaving

Friday, 4 March 2011
Taman Rasuna, Jakarta

Ellen was celebrating her birthday yesterday, on 2 March, Wednesday, here in the apartment in Taman Rasuna. Right after the celebrating event, Ellen migrated back to ice cold Europe by means of a KLM flight, which was scheduled to depart Jakarta at 19:25. CME and I went up to the rooftop later to watch the […]

A waffle

Thursday, 3 March 2011
Taman Rasuna, Jakarta

Two things can be said about Tuesday, 1 March: The first being Harco Glodok electronics market, where I and the anonymous CME spent the afternoon hours. The second being the waffle pictured below, which I consumed at a Belgian restaurant at Epicentrum Walk, together with Ellen, Caecil, and CME. Harco Glodok electronics market. Belgian waffle […]