SE Asia: Eleventh trip

Sunday, 6 February 2005
Oslo, Norway

2004 was an extraordinary year, considering that I didn’t spend any days outside Europe at all… wow! This has not happened since pre-1995.

So on 8 January 2005 I and Caecil flew on Gulf Air to Jakarta via Abu Dhabi, and returned to Oslo on 4 February 2005. We spent the whole trip in Indonesia.

We stayed first at the Cibubur residence in Jakarta, then went by car to Solo and Madiun (via Java’s north coast), and finally drove back to Jakarta again.

Some pictures in chronological order (click to enlarge):

Abu Dhabi

Transit in Abu Dhabi.

Puncak Pass

Morning trip to Puncak Pass.

Bird cages

Bird cages, Cibubur.

Ladies only parking

Parking for ladies only, Jakarta.

Parking attendants

Parking attendants, Jakarta.

Jakarta pollution

Polluted air in Jakarta.

Women in Jakarta

Women discussing, Jakarta.

Masked person, Jalan Jaksa

Masked person, Jalan Jaksa, Jakarta.

Homeless man

This homeless man has been in Jl Jaksa as far as I can remember.

Jalan Jaksa

Jalan Jaksa. Great for cheap lodging and beer.

Jalan Sabang

Jalan Sabang. Great for food.

Becak and weird man

A becak and a weird man. On the way to Solo.

Traffic accident

Traffic accident. On the way to Solo.


Passing through Pekalongan.

Traffic accident

Another traffic accident.

Traffic accident

One of the men is smiling.

Countryside, Solo

Countryside, Sukoharjo, Solo.

The Solo residence

The Solo residence, where we stayed.


Solo downtown.

Playing guitar

Playing guitar in Madiun.

Bird market

Bird market, Madiun.

Grave yard

Grave yard, Madiun.

Batik shop

Batik shop, Pekalongan or Tegal.

Idul Adha

Idul Adha, Cibubur, Jakarta.

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